Wednesday, another meeting with the girlfriends. This time I make it up by taking photos. I forgot about it the last time we met. What a doof! Meeting place was at One Utama. We went to food court and had lunch at talked and talked and didn't realized that time was flying fast. Can you imagine the thrill of talking for 2 hours non-stop while munching away? Then we went window shopping and Farah bought me and Siti gifts. It was really nice -a hairband with diamante stones on it. It matches my hair and I like it! Then we sat for desserts at Delicious. We had Chocolate Banana cake and Pavlova with strawberry toppings (I love Pavlovas). Then we moved our agenda to the 'Mamak' nearby Siti's place. But Farah had to leave of urgent matters. And also met my ex and his girlfriend there. It was like a get to know session. I felt free being myself. Finally I know that things are in place. I can see it in his eyes. Then at 8.30pm, I met up with a really good friend of mine at The Curve. He has changed since I saw him (physically). We were talking about relationship and work and it was the first time that I saw him in working attire. His doing great now and I wish him all the best. That night, I watched a ghost movie at Cineleisure -Mati Suri. Oh my gawd! I almost died of boredom. It's like watching a replica of Ju-on, The Ring and The Other in one movie. But at the end there was an underlying message - "It's a sin to commit suicide". So yea.. that was it! Good message, confusing plots. Luckily I didn't paid the movie in dollars. Wednesday night movies at RM7.

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